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Get this amazing heavy duty commercial Blender of 4500W power and a 2.5L capacity. This brand new blender is perfect for all your blending needs. It comes with a variety of capabilities such as stirring, pureeing, chopping, pulsing, mixing, ice crushing, and grinding. The blender is made of high-quality plastic and has 15 different speeds for you to choose from. It also includes a tall cup, motor base, short cup, and leaf blade. Don't miss out on this amazing deal!
Product ID: 1243
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The product (2.5 Liters Heavy Duty Electric Plastic Commercial Blender With Big And Small Jar-Multicolour) can be paid for via MTN Mobile Money, Airtel Money, Cash at the store, and Cash on Delivery.
Mzuri Express is located at Aponye Mall, Burton Street, Shop number MA 22, Kampala Uganda