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The unique technology that knows how to take care of your clothes while giving you the perfect wash. Super larger capacity, control, different wash cycles. Adjustable wash and spin time. Non-corrosive plastic body. This machine ensures your clothes stay as fresh and new for much longer than ever before.
You can effortlessly and efficiently wash large loads of laundry in the Onida Top-loading Washing Machine. Built with a high-performance air dryer, this washing machine thoroughly removes excess water as well as moisture from your clothes, eliminating the need to dry them on the clothesline for a long time. And, regardless of the water level and laundry load, the magic lint filter in this washing machine traps lint and hard dirt, offering spotlessly clean clothes
Rainy days will not be a hassle, as the Onida Plus Top load washing machine comes with an adequate load. As a result, you can effortlessly wash your daily laundry and heavy clothes.
Wash capacity 5kg
Spin capacity 2.5kg
Get rid of moisture in your clothes, as this washing machine is equipped with an Air Dryer that helps to remove excess water, thus keeping your clothes almost dried.
Product ID: 1171
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The product (Onida Plus 5kg Twin Tub Washing Machine - White.) can be paid for via MTN Mobile Money, Airtel Money, Cash at the store, and Cash on Delivery.
Mzuri Express is located at Aponye Mall, Burton Street, Shop number MA 22, Kampala Uganda