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Electric 2.8 L Rice Cooker with Steaming Feature - Red
You can save your time and energy with the Sansui Deluxe electric rice cooker that can cook rice in about 30 minutes, thanks to its aluminium heating plates. It also lets you add more variety to your meals with the steamer plate that can be used for cooking momos, idlis, and more. Moreover, the convenient handle on this rice cooker enables you to carry it easily.
Sturdy Build: This rice cooker comes with a premium outer body that encloses an aluminium heating plate and heating coil. With a capacity of about 2.8 L, it is ideal for families who like having rice regularly for meals.
Easy Portability: Be it a picnic, a get-together, or even a short trip, the convenient handle on this rice cooker enables easy portability. With the additional steamer plate, you can add more variety to your meals with idlis, momos, steamed vegetables, and more.
Product ID: 1095
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The product (Saachi Electric 2.8 L Rice Cooker With Steaming Feature - Red (1YR WRTY)) can be paid for via MTN Mobile Money, Airtel Money, Cash at the store, and Cash on Delivery.
Mzuri Express is located at Aponye Mall, Burton Street, Shop number MA 22, Kampala Uganda